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Phantom Bio PhotoBio 600w S4 LED Full Spectrum with Autopilot PX2 contoller
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Sungrower GeoPot GeoPlanet Sungrower Supply Trellis Netting
Ca-Mg-Fe helps prevent or cure leaf yellowing, leaf curl, stunted growth, withered fruit-set and bud rot.
Healthy cuttings and seedlings are essential if you eventually want large and flavorsome yields. Cloner’s unique organic composition is adsorbed onto plant tissue so that the cutting is preserved throughout the pre-rooting period.
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Hydro Bio by Vital Humic is an innovative organic probiotic bio stimulant designed to support optimal plant growth and soil health.
Contact us for any commercial or agriculture pricing.
Contact us for any commercial or agriculture pricing.
Latin name: Amblyseius cucmeris
Controlled release packs contain various life stages from egg thru adult.
Controlled release packs contain various life stages from egg thru adult.
Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, fish meal and crab meal.
The Crazee Mites have established themselves as the top thrips predator, an essential addition to aphid and spider mite control programs and a welcomed predator of whitefly, mealybugs, echinothrips, psyllids and more.
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